0.0.1 release

First release of my Interactive Fiction prototype game. I'm more of a technical person, and don't have a lot of writing experience so this is stepping out into the writing world since high school. It's a story that has been bouncing around for some time in my head, but I actually sat down to try and pen something out. Story and coding are done by me. I have lower than zero artistic skills, so there will not be any fancy artwork or logos by me.

It is  is essentially a prologue, hence version 0.0.1. Each new chapter will be a major release.

The game is free. I have no intention of gating anything behind upgrades or paywalls. Chapters will be written as fast as inspiration strikes, and I suspect the pace will ebb and flow from every couple of weeks to a month. Currently I'm probably about 25% of the way through Chapter 1.

Suggestions are always welcome in the game's thread.

If at least one person finds it interesting, I'll consider that a win!



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Jul 13, 2020
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Jul 13, 2020

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