Chapter 2 is in development

Just wanted to touch base and say that everything is still progressing, just slower than I'd have hoped.

The main problem is entirely my fault. As I was adding Chapter 1, it started to dawn on me that I was missing an obvious NPC that just felt wrong to not include. So I decided to wing it and toss them in as a full-fledged NPC. Unfortunately since this was not planned when I started, it meant that I would have to refactor many parts of the story and add in a number of new branches to account for this. In the end, I think it will be worth it, as they will be a pretty cool NPC for those that take the time and will add a couple of new twists to the story.

Getting Chapter 2 implemented is the current priority. All other items on the to-do from the Chapter 1 release will be pushed back. Since they are mostly just visual changes, like trying to refine the interface and story text layout I don't think it should cause any long-term issues other than taking longer to make the Prologue and Chapter 1 look and feel a lot cleaner. They will still be tackled, just not during Chapter 2.

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nice to know you're ok and working on it, hope it all goes well.